Saturday, 27 July, 2024  
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St Patrick & St Brigid's Church

                                                                                                                                                      Please note the following dates for

closure of the parish office:

Friday 12th July and Monday 15th July, and from Friday 26th July through until Monday 12th August


There will be no bulletin printed on

July 20th / 21st July,   27th / 28th July,   3rd / 4th August and 10th / 11th August



Sunday Mass Schedule

Vigil Mass on Saturday at 6.30pm

and Masses on Sunday at 10am and 12noon



Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)

Saturdays after 10am Mass


Upcoming Mass Schedule   

Glenshesk: Sunday 14th July at 9am

Ballinlea: Sunday 21st July at 9am




 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.

 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Monday 10.30am-1.30pm

All welcome



Ballycastle Prayer Group

meets every Tuesday in the crypt from 7:30 p.m.

All are Welcome.

 The Ballycastle Prayer Group collect all prayer petitions placed in the box at            

Our Lady’s altar of the parish church every Tuesday afternoon

and include the petitions during their meeting.  

Each prayer petition is also taken home by one of our members

and is prayed for each day of the coming week.



Sanctuary of St Patrick

a place of pilgrimage since 5th century

Three Day Pilgrimage

has started continues until Thursday 15th August (Tuesday 13th last day to begin)


One Day Retreat

Aug: Saturday 17th, Tuesday 20th, Sunday 25th, Monday 26th, Saturday 31st.

Sept: Wed 4th, Saturday 7th, Tuesday 10th, Saturday 14th, Sunday 15th, Saturday 21st, Sunday 22nd.


Quiet Day

 Friday September 13th



Bethany Bereavement Support


Bethany is the name of the place where Jesus’ friend Lazarus died’

Bethany  Mobile  Number – 07519 471 481




Safeguarding Logo

The website address for the Diocesan Safeguarding Office is:





Although all are encouraged to make their parish contributions by Standing Order,
weekly envelopes are still available for those who choose to use them.

****Please note that those who pay by standing order / direct debit

will no longer receive a box of envelopes.****

Those who only use their envelopes - please note your number will have changed as we have reorganized them this year to cut wastage down.

The envelopes for 2024 / 2025 are available in alphabetical order from the pew just inside the door on the carpark side of the church.




 Please consider, if your present circumstances allow,

making a donation to the parish.

Scroll down to the very bottom of this webpage

to see methods of doing so. 



 Mass 7 days a week at 10am, as well as a Saturday evening Vigil at 6.30pm and a 12noon Sunday Mass

Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet from Monday to Saturday at 3pm.



To read and pray with today’s Mass readings

go to


All enquiries to Fr. Brian Daly, P.P., 20762223; email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Parish emergency mobile number 07809553349 




Saint Vincent De Paul Helpline 07754722022


For more notices please click on the "Parish News" section in the main menu on the left hand column of this page.




For information on Parish Graveyards please go to 'Parish News' section of this website.





Sunday Church Collections



Many people are worried about their own family finances at this time, so it means a great deal that some people are able to support the parish too.

Thank you to everyone who is managing to make contributions at this difficult time



               OFFERTORY ENVELOPES   


Each year we remind parishioners of the Standing Order option, but his year in particular we strongly encourage all to consider filling up a Standing Order form. Please also consider signing a Gift Aid form - if you use your envelope or contribute by Standing Order and pay TAX you can sign a GIFT AID FORM, which will enable the parish to claim (from the Government) an additional 28p roughly for every £1 contributed to the parish.

Standing Order forms and Gift Aid forms are available from the parish office (Mon-Fri 9am-2pm) or the sacristy


*** or consider***

paying by online banking faster payment to the Ballycastle Parish account:

sort code: 95-02-21 and account number: 21000616,

and please put your full name and envelope box number in the reference section.











 Please consider leaving a legacy to the parish when making a will.




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